Coldest Place in America (1)

This week my teacher introduced my class to a new story “To Build a Fire.”

Which is a story about a man who was hiking with no partner just him and his dog. In the story, he runs into many different obstacles. He then notices that it is really cold. Like below freezing cold and his hands and feet start to go from numb to a stinging pain.

Also in the story, it mentioned how after the man has been through so many obstacles he realizes that a man earlier before he went on his trip that an old man told him to never travel alone in the cold. The man didn’t remember that until his hands and feet were completely frozen. His dog’s paws were so frozen that he started licking them. Which wasn’t really smart because his tongue could’ve froze.

I researched what was the coldest place in America and the answer was Fairbanks, Alaska. The weather there is about 22 degrees below zero. When that is, ice fog occurs when tiny particles are suspended in the air. People do live there but I know it is very hard because of how cold it is.